7 real ways to make money from home

Are you looking for a flexible way to make money from home by just using a Mobile or Laptop? Are you interested in making money from the digital world? Is there a real way to earn money from home? Sure Here in today’s blog, we are going to talk about money-making skills and all the real ways to earn.

I’m Anoosh Sharma and I made my source of income online and earned $5000 from multiple online sources. I will about how I started my journey and can get started. Finding a job in the real world is somehow difficult and always seems boring to me. I tried some jobs also. I worked in a coffee Shop. But by working all day, facing challenges every day, and tackling the pressure of work from my boss, I could only make $300 per month. It was a very low amount to bear the daily expenses. So, I started to look for a Part-Time job. One of my friends told me about an online opportunity to make money from home.

He sent me some videos and I started my online journey. I started to write my blog and monetize it from Google AdSense. So, I quit my job and now I’m making a really good income from Blogging and affiliate marketing. I will also guide you about these real online, you can start your journey from here.

Here are some real ways to make money from home

  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  2. Pay-per-click (PPC) Advertising
  3. Freelancing
  4. Email Marketing
  5. YouTube
  6. Blogging
  7. Language Translation services

How to start online earning from home?

easy way to earn
Earn money from home

To take a start in online earning is super exciting and amazing. But as we know there are a lot of online earning Platforms. Selecting the right platform for you is also a valuable thing if you thinking of taking it for a long time. First self-talk is very important. Find your interest and select a proper niche.

Here is step by step guide to start your earning from the comfort of your home:

Identify your interest:

The main thing that matters a lot in every field of life is your interest. You will also face a lot of challenges in online earning. But if you select your earning category according to your interest, you will be able to tackle all the problems and will never get bored. So, think properly about what you want to do that seems interesting to you.

Choose a Proper Niche:

After finding your interest, research your interest on different social media platforms. Read some articles about it on Google. Collect knowledge and select platforms where you can provide your services.

Select your Goals:

To start your journey, make your own gals. What are you gonna do today and what will be your next step? Make a working plan of around 1 month and see your improvements.


You will face hurdles in achieving your goal. But if you work consistently, you will get success.

Time Management

If you are a student or doing any other job, time management is very important for you to work according to your goals. Manage your time and set a schedule for the day. Give proper time and never lose heart.

Let’s discuss some real ways to earn online in detail

1: Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization is a super exciting way to earn money from home with the help of a PC or Laptop. SEO is a term used to rank your content with proper key research. It makes your content searchable and shows your website at the top.

You can provide your SEO services and can do it for yourself too. Create your website, write some content about a specific niche with proper SEO, and monetize it from Google.

SEO in Simple Steps

  • Keyword Research (You can use different tools to research your keyword like Ahref, Google, and Semrush)
  • On-Page SEO (Include your focused keyword in the header, title, tags, and meta description)
  • Link Building (helps to build your domain authority in which you link your website with other websites)
  • Technical SEO (include website speed, make your website user-friendly and load quickly)
  • Website Promotion (Promote it on different platforms like Linkedin, Twitter, and other social media platforms.

Here are different ways to make money by Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  • Make money by providing SEO services like Upwork, and Fiverr.
  • Create your Blog and monetize it from Google Adsense
  • Create a store and sell different products of your own or for the company
  • Create a website for Affiliate Marketing

2: Pay-per-click (PPC) Advertising

earn money from pay per click

Pay-per-click is our second priority if you want to grow your business or generate more sales while sitting at home. This is a very simple and easy technique you can use.

Pay-per-click is a technique in which you work as an advertiser and create ads for your products after keyword research. You can place your ads on Google and other social media platforms. You have ever seen sponsored products on Google or another platform? When you click on that ad, the advertiser pays a specific amount of fee, and if you buy any product it increases the sale of the advertiser. This is how the PPC technique works

Now you can sell your own products or there are a lot of companies who pay to sell their product. You can also create your store on Mazon, and Shopify and grow your sales, and get more profit.

3: Freelancing

Freelancing is another great way to make money online by providing your services to clients. If you have some skills, just do it. There are a lot of websites and influencers who are always looking for Freelancers to grow their work. Freelancing includes all types of skills like content writing, Graphic design, video editing, social media marketing, social media management, translation, and Web development.

4: Email Marketing

Email marketing is also a great way to make money by generating more sales from your potential customers. You can reach millions of your desired customer through their Emails. Worrying about how to collect a variety of email addresses of your customers? Simply, you can use your website and use the feature of Subscribe.

You can also create your Email campaigns on different platforms like AWeber. Target your audience and make your Emails readable and interesting. To make your Email more readable Use Bold and colorful text, add some images, and provide links to your products.

5: YouTube

Another great way to make money by creating your videos is YouTube. You can create your videos to reach millions of people.  YouTube offers you both options to make money through longer short videos.  if you want to create long videos you have to complete the criteria of watch time and subscribers which is 4000 hours watch and 10000 subscribers.

After completing their criteria you can apply for monetization. When your channel is monetised you start your earning from there.  You can also use YouTube to promote your product in the form of short reels.  And you can also monetize your short reals. there are no such criteria to monetize your reels. At that point when your reels start reaching more people YouTube will pay you. You can also drive traffic to your website from YouTube and can also earn money from Google AdSense. It is up to you how you use YouTube to make money.

6: Blogging

Blogging is a real way to earn money that is my first priority and it is my source of income too.  If you are really passionate about writing and want to write your own blog, you must try this out because blogging has more earning potential then any other platform. Your blog may include any kind of writing such as traveling, health and beauty, physical fitness, online earning, and apps.  First of all, choose your niche.  Learn about keyword research.  Write about a  specific topic. After writing some articles monetize it from Google and start your blogging journey.

7: Language Translation services

If you know different languages and you are good at this you can provide your services of translation to foreign people. A lot of Companies need people who can translate their specific language into different languages. They target people from different countries to grow their business. You can provide their services to them. And also offer your services on different platforms like Fiver, and Upwork.

You can also make money on Instagram

By gyamria

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